Happy New Year
I'm not doing very well at this blogging lark. It seems my last post was in 2019. A lot has happened since then but it really is no excuse for somebody who spends much of his time writing for a living; or maybe that is the problem. Too much writing and too little painting and gaming.
In summary, 2019 saw the continued growth of my 6mm Vietnam project and also in 20mm with the inspired idea on the run up to my birthday (a bit before Christmas) in that if I asked everybody who is usually kind enough to buy me a present to consult a list of desired items it would stop the usual donation of something that I'd never use and be destined for the charity shop some months or years later. So my decision was for a 20mm US Vietnam Fire Support base from Grubby Tanks.
Gate defences of Fire Support Base
VC Sappers approach the wire - you'll just have to imagine it is after dark!
VC Advance
I have enough base defences to make a FSB about 3'x3' and quite a lot of buildings for inside the base and villages outside. Razor wire is another matter, however.
I did run a weekend game using an unofficial varient of Chain of Command rules: Chain of Command DMZ
We ran two games over the weekend - one was the standard 'downed helicopter' and rescue the aircrew before the VC/NVA could get to them and the second was an infiltration to an unfriendly district in search for a senior NVA officer who was rumoured to be in the area. This has a sub-plot of the officer having been cut off during a US air attack on a village and the officer having to make it across the table without being seen and killed. This was done by hidden movement and me acting as an umpire for both games.
My 6mm output continued and we even had a US company level game at the club one Sunday. We used the rule set From the Delta to the DMZ with great results. We knew we got some things wrong and will rectify that at some future point.
Not part of the company level game but a small skirmish I set up on another occasion. All 6mm from Irregular Miniatures or Ros Heroics
February 2020 saw my last l'Arte de la Guerre competition game until Novemner 2021 due the Covid pandemic. I had quickly cobbled together a Sicilian Norman army and got stopped on each game as my medium elite knoghts were just no match for the heavier metal being fielded. It was a good fun weekend in Plymouth enhanced by a friend of mine from Chicago was able to meet me down there. Beer, rugby, curry and gaming made for a memorable weekend.
l'Arte de la Guerre v4 was released in 2021 and my armies keep expanding in size as well as nations. The lockdowns meant I had more time to paint as I was not leaving the house for work. I have been fortunate to work right through the various lockdowns and the extra time saved travelling meant I could paint up extra units and finish some armies off so I had more choice and start on some new ones.
Palmyrans have been expanded, Ghaznavids have appreared in 15mm form and 28mm Classical Indians have doubled in size so I really do have choices and not just the army I took to Warfare in 2018.
Irregular Miniatures 28mm 4 horse heavy chariot. There was no proto on the website which is a shame as this is a really nice model.
Heavy Chariots and more bowmen and swordsmen added to the Classical Indians. |
The expansion of the Indians was to compete at a small competition in the Devon seaside town of Brixham. Not somewhere I had been in about 50 years but I won't be leaving it that long again - not that I have 50 years left of life anyway! The Devonian Seaside Classic was organised by Tim Porter aka the Mad Axeman. It was a great weekend away and not a complete disaster for my Indians and a surprising 36 competitors who came from London, the Midlands, across the SW and one player from Finland!
In preparation for the weekend a fellow club member had asked for a practice game (a form of cheating in my opinion) but I obliged on the understanding that I would have to subsitute figures as he only plays in 15mm and my Indians are all 25/28mm. Hittite chariots, Ghaznavid cavalry, Sumerians and a few actual Indians came together to provide an opposition to Hannibal's Carthaginians.
I won't bore you with the game details but my Indians had an incredible run of luck at jus the right moment and won the day. 2 weeks later another friend wished to practice with his Late Romans so he came to the club and faced off the Carthaginians - but not for long and his army was broken in enough time for him to have a second game against my Indians. Another wind for the Indians, so guess who has been building another Classical Indian Army? The first competitive outing will be in Oxford on 15 Jan 2022.
My next painting adventure is for a l'Arte de la Guerre competition in Bournemouth over the weekend of 12/13 February 2022. It allows for any army post 1071 AD until the end of the rules period. Having learned my lesson in Plymouth about Heavy Knights I have just started prepping an Italian Condottieri Ventian army. All I need to do is paint 2 figures a day - it's 3 January and I am already 3 days behind on the painting schedule. However, I have managed to assemble the Perry's plastics I will use for most of the army. Fortunately I have box loads of them for an abandoned Wars of the Roses project.
I hate sticking these togther! More metal to come in the post to complete the list.
I may be 3 days behind on the painting but all these are now undercoated and ready to go and I even found some painted bowman that I can use so maybe I have caught up with the painting with that find?
More soon...